As we work to scale the impact of our comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) program beyond the public education system, Projet Jeune Leader is gearing up to pilot a new social franchising model. We’re thrilled to collaborate with the international non-profit organization Spring Impact on this exciting new journey!
A Global Leader in Social Franchising
As soon as we began exploring social franchising as an approach to bring our CSE program to youth outside of the public school system, we knew we wanted to tap Spring Impact’s expertise.
Formerly known as the International Center for Social Franchising, Spring Impact is an international non-profit organization that has collaborated with over 500 organizations across fifty countries – contributing their unique expertise and technical support. Their aim? To support mission-driven organizations in identifying their scale pathways and building the strategies, knowledge, and mindsets needed to tackle problems at scale successfully and sustainably.
As a technical advisor to Projet Jeune Leader, Spring Impact will coach and provide concrete technical guidance to our team in designing, implementing, and refining our social franchise model.
“Spring Impact is excited to leverage our deep scaling expertise to support Projet Jeune Leader to scale up their deeply impactful comprehensive sexuality education program.” – Rachel Sturgis, Senior Consultant, Spring Impact
Reflection, Learning, Visioning: Our First Workshops with Spring Impact
What are the strengths of Projet Jeune Leader's CSE model? How can social franchising align with our scaling objectives? Which new target groups do we aim to reach? These are questions at the heart of our social franchise approach, and were the launching pad for workshops with Tonia and Rachel of Spring Impact during their visit to Antsirabe in March 2024.
Over nearly five days of participatory workshops, they guided our team through a process of reflection and strategic planning around the social franchise model. They also trained us in the fundamentals of social franchise strategy, introduced us to practical frameworks, and equipped us with new tools to implement the pilot.
"This week was intense but so interesting. Now our team has a ton of ideas and we’re prepared for all kinds of situations. The Spring Impact team opened our minds to think even bigger and bolder to ensure the successful implementation of the program." - Ando, PJL Technical Assistant
Through rich discussions and scenario-based sessions, Tonia and Rachel helped our team:
Identify the key components and values we want to replicate through partner civil society organizations (CSOs), as well as the more adaptable components of our CSE model.
Define the target audiences we aim to reach.
Discuss our criteria for identifying partner CSOs and how we need to tailor our curricula to their needs and constituents.
Design tools and methods to ensure quality delivery and monitoring of our program with these CSOs.
Reflect on our goals for scaling the impact of CSE in Madagascar through a social franchise approach.
Think big and envision the long-term potential impact of this social franchise model!
This week of exchange, reflection, and learning is just the start of an amazing partnership. We’re excited to be planning further virtual coaching and training sessions with Spring Impact in the months to come as we put our plans into action!
"We need to define what works and why in our CSE program, so that we can preserve those values and that quality. The workshops helped us a lot. It’s so important to have this overall vision and all these ideas and to be able to challenge and test them. We’re much clearer on the path we want to take to increase our impact." - Ando, PJL Technical Assistant
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Our pilot social franchising model is generously supported by the Principality of Monaco Department of International Cooperation.