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Collaborative Filmmaking Research: Shifting Public Attitudes on CSE


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Lack of support for CSE disrupts its delivery and may partially explain why there are few examples of scaled-up, sustainable programs, especially in resource-constrained contexts where youth need it most.

Projet Jeune Leader’s initial evidence suggests our Educators have positive “brand power” for creating support for CSE. Using an innovative, participatory research methodology called collaborative filmmaking, Projet Jeune Leader has produced new insights into how our CSE Educators have been able to shift attitudes in support for sexuality education at the community level in Madagascar.

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Discover our Other Resources

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CSE We Can Count On

Through this toolkit, we share strategies and practical tools for how to build and harness community support for in-school CSE, drawing upon our experience building lasting, trusting relationships with our partner communities.

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Amplifying Local Knowledge and Closing the Gap between Local Perspectives and Decision-Making

To close the gap between local perspectives and decisions made at the higher level about reproductive health and family planning, we developed the “Ampitapitao” magazine series, capturing over 8,000 comments from local community members in the process.

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Learning series: Towards a scalable model of comprehensive sexuality education in Madagascar

To capture (in near real-time) our implementation learnings and processes as we work to mainstream our CSE model in Madagascar’s public school system, we developed this series of learning briefs, each focused on a different strategy for deliver and scale.

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